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Below are three simple ways to donate

01. Via Credit Card

02. Via Bank Transfer

03. Via Check

Our core belief is that everyone deserves access to an open, safe environment where they can learn and grow.

And we’re privileged to be that place for so many young women.

When you support Jewessence your donation makes a meaningful, deep and lasting impact. Your generous donation means so much. Contributions can be made in honor or memory of a loved one, and/or set-up as recurring monthly donations.

Jewessence Transformational Journey
Jerusalem Jewish Transformation
New Project.png

Giving Opportunities:

Sponsor a class - $180

Sponsor a day of learning - $720

Sponsor a week of learning - $3,600

Sponsor an in-house shabbos experience - $1,000

Sponsor an Outdoor Wilderness Therapy session - $360

Sponsor a shabbaton - $3,600

In addition to the above, we would be honored to work with you to find a sponsorship opportunity that is meaningful to you. Please contact Alysha Schneider, our Executive Director at


We process our American and UK donations through The American Friends of Justifi, Inc.
The American Friends of Justifi is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS code. EIN #83-3913797.

We process our Canadian donations through Ne’eman Foundation.
Ne'eman Foundation Canada is a registered Canadian charity, CRA Registration Number 81095 6565 RR0001.

Jewessence is a registered non-profit organization (amuta) in Israel under the name 
התאחדות נשים למען חינוך
למוסד אישור מס הכנסה לענין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודה
ע.ר. 580293538


Credit Card

We accept credit cards.

Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer

We accept bank/wire transfers in the U.S. U.K, Israel and Canada. Please email



We accept checks in the U.S., Israel, and Canada. 

  • US
    Made out to American Friends of Justifi 10366 Veracruz Court San Diego, CA 92124 Please write Jewessence in the memo The American Friends of Justifi, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS code. EIN #83-3913797.
  • Israel
    Made out to התאחדות נשים למען חינוך David Tzvi Pinkas 5/2 Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem 9371121 Jewessence is a registered non-profit organization (amuta) in Israel under the name Hitachdut Nashim Lma’an Chinuch התאחדות נשים למען חינוך ע.ר. 580293538
  • Canada
    Made out to Ne’eman Foundation 160 Faywood Blvd. Toronto, ON M3H 2X9 Canada Please write Jewessence in the memo Ne'eman Foundation Canada is a registered Canadian charity, CRA Registration Number 81095 6565 RR0001

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